Wednesday, January 7, 2009

something fishy

Ashley got me this awesome camera for christmas.
I am working out the kinks of using a camera with film... only eight of the pictures on my first roll turned out.

I am an auntie times 10 and pretty much all the pictures I took were of the little rat finks. The ones that turned out i really love.

This one turned out best. back lighting= good picture. duh

probably my favorite part about taking these pictures was how none of the kids got it.
I went out back where they were already swinging. They saw my camera, they knew what was up, so they all stopped and posed for me. "Keep swinging" I tried to stop the picture perfect smiles they have been trained to give.
"Let me see the picture," my niece Emma asked after every shot. "No... this isn't that kind of camera" I think she thought I was messing with her...

She just looked at me like I would look at someone if they told me that their computer was the size of their spare bedroom, pong to a generation of wii players.


Erin Jane said...

HAHAHA I love those rat finks! They are smarter than you or I will ever be. Also- I loVe the pictures!

Brittany Seager said...

ha i love when you said pong to a generation of wii players. What has the world come to? i love you