Friday, April 24, 2009

free your feet!

I was always barefoot when I was a kid, and even now it is rare to find me laced up unless I am going somewhere where it is required.
in fact... A few months ago my parents were out here visiting and we decided to go to town via the north shore. Well we had a good time at the beach for a little while and then hopped in the car to head on to honolulu (about an hour or more away from my house) we were about 3/4's the way there when I realized I hadn't brought any shoes! My parents and even katie gave me that look... the "Are you serious?!' look... yes, I am 22 and I went to the mall with no shoes on.
I think my mom was a little embarrassed when I waltzed into Nordstrom with my toes bared, she insisted on buying me new sandals.

But according to this link:

I'm the one that got it right!

so show of those tootsies, painted or not.


Brittney said...

oh my gosh! thanks for sharing that! Kate is a total barefoot lover as well... glad to know it's ok!

Kerry said...

Glad to know that... we have taken Meg to church with out shoes pretty much her whole life. She owns them, we just gave up putting them on her because she just took them off.

Kerry said...

Come to think of it...

Rex had his off before we left the church building today.
I remember keeping multiple pairs of shoes in my car so if i ever ended up some where like that i had a pair


Terra Zobrist said...

Whether barefoot is best or not I can't keep shoes on my kids either way. Running around barefoot is part of childhood. Maybe once you are my age you won't forget to wear shoes anymore!

Kathleen Majdali said...

I've totally had those moments. I go to Foodland barefoot all the time. A couple weeks ago, I rode my bike around Laie barefoot and it felt so liberating...and a little dangerous. Still, I loved it!

Nathan said...

barefoot biking is the best!

Jillian Clara said...

THat is awesome!!... except i think you are a bad influence on me bc when we were little.. we were running around the cirlce with our black feet and i got a screw in my foot.